
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Visualizing ProsperityBy: Shakti GawainCreative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in your life. There is nothing at all new, strange, or unusual about it; you are already using creative visualization every day, and in fact every minute—although you are likely doing it unconsciously. It is your natural power of imagination, the basic creative energy of the universe, which you use constantly to shape your day-to-day world for good or bad.
To use creative visualization to attract prosperity it is not necessary to believe in any metaphysical or spiritual ideas, though you must be willing to entertain certain concepts as being possible. It is not necessary to "have faith" in any power outside yourself. The only things necessary are that you have an open-enough mind to try something new in a positive spirit and the desire to enrich your knowledge and experience.
A very important part of conscious creative visualization is developing a sense of prosperity. This means having the understanding that the universe is abundant, that life is actually trying to bring us what our hearts and souls desire—spiritually, mentally, and emotionally as well as physically. Almost everything you truly need or want is here for the asking; you only need to believe that it is so, desire it, and be willing to accept it.
One of the most common causes of failure in achieving what you want is "scarcity programming." This is an attitude or set of beliefs about life that goes something like this: There isn't enough to go around ... Life is suffering ... It is immoral or selfish to have enough when others don't ... Life is hard, difficult, a vale of tears ... It's more noble and spiritual to be poor. These are all false beliefs. They are based on a lack of understanding of how the universe works or of some important spiritual principles. These beliefs are not of service to you or anyone else, they simply limit you from realizing your natural state of prosperity and plenty on all levels.
The truth about this earth is that it is an infinitely good, beautiful, nourishing place to be. The only "evil" comes from a lack of understanding of this truth. Evil (ignorance) is like a shadow—it has no real substance of its own; it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, by stamping on it, by railing against it, or by any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it. Take a look at your belief system and see if you are holding yourself back by not believing sufficiently in the possibility of prosperity. Can you realistically imagine yourself as a successful, satisfied, fulfilled person? Can you really open your eyes to the goodness and beauty and abundance all around you? Can you imagine this world transformed into a prosperous and supportive environment in which everyone can flourish?
You will experience difficulty in creating what you want in your personal life unless you view the world as a good place to be and a place that works for everyone. Human nature is basically loving, and so most of us will not allow ourselves what we want as long as we believe that we might be depriving others in order to have it. We need to understand in a deep way that having what we truly want in life contributes to the general state of human happiness and supports others in creating more happiness for themselves. To create prosperity, we need to visualize ourselves living as we desire to live, doing what we love, and feeling satisfied with what we attain in a context of other people doing the same.
Four Basic Steps for Effective Creative Visualization
1. Set your goal Decide on something you would like to have, work toward, realize, or create. It can be on any level—a job, a house, a relationship, increased prosperity, a happier state of mind, improved health, solving a problem in your family or community, etc. At first, choose goals that are fairly easy for you to believe in, that you feel are possible to realize in the near future. That way you won't have to deal with too much negative resistance in yourself, and you can maximize your feelings of success as you are learning creative visualization. Later, when you have more practice, you can take on more difficult or challenging problems and issues.
2. Create a clear idea or picture Form an idea, a mental picture, or a feeling of the object or situation exactly as you want it. You should think of it in the present tense as already existing the way you want it to be. Imagine yourself currently in the situation as you desire it. Include as many details as you can. You may wish to make an actual physical picture of it as well. This is an optional step, not at all necessary, but often helpful and fun.
3. Focus on it often Bring your idea or mental picture to mind often, both in quiet meditation periods and also casually throughout the day, when you happen to think of it. In this way it becomes an integral part of your life and thus more of a reality for you. Focus on it clearly, yet in a light, relaxed way. It's important not to feel like you are striving too hard for it or putting an excessive amount of energy into it—both tend to hinder rather than help.
4. Give it positive energy As you focus on your goal, think about it in a positive, encouraging way. Make strong, encouraging statements to yourself: that it exists; that it has come or is now coming to you. See yourself receiving or achieving it. These positive statements are called "affirmations." While you use affirm-ations, try to temporarily suspend any doubt or disbelief you may have, at least for the moment, and practice getting the feeling that what you desire is very real and possible.
Continue to work with this process until you achieve your goal or no longer have the desire to do so. Remember that goals often change before they are realized, which is a perfectly natural part of the human process of change and growth. So don't try to prolong it any longer than you have energy for it—if you lose interest it may mean that it's time for a new look at what you want.
If you find that a goal has changed for you, be sure to acknowledge that to yourself. Get clear in your mind the fact that you are no longer focusing on your previous goal. End the cycle of the old and begin the cycle of the new. This helps you avoid getting confused, or feeling that you've "failed" when you've simply changed.
When you achieve a goal, be sure to acknowledge consciously to yourself that it has been completed. Often we achieve things that we have been visualizing and forget to even notice that we have succeeded! Give yourself some appreciation and a pat on the back, and be sure to thank the universe for fulfilling your requests.

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