
Friday, October 23, 2009

En dag

En dag onskar jag att jag kan sy och bara sadana har klanningar. Att kanna sej som en riktig
prinsessa ar nog nagot som vi flickor onskar och bar med oss genom livet..
Alla klanningar fran underbara Marchesa.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Galvanic Spa

Har provat den nu fyra ganger och nar folk fragar vad man gjort for att se sa frash ut sa blir man ju annu mera overtygad att Galvanic Spa funkar riktigt bra! Det handlar alltsa inte bara om kanslan. Efter en behandling, 15-20 minuter, sa ser man harligt rosig och frash ut, med synlig lift-effekt och en porslin-liknande kansla pa hudytan. Har bara provat i ansikten an sa lange, men med setet sa foljer aven med ett huvud for cellulit-behandling och aven ett for harbottenbehandling, alltsa ett hemma-spa all-in-one! We like it!

Uppdatering foljer, varning for beroendeframkallande!

Rekommenderas!!!! Reeeallly works!!

Just one galvanic spa treatment can help diminish the appearance of the lines around the eyes and mouth. It is possible to see an improvement in skin quality and pore size. This before and after photos are good examples of what could happen after just one ten minute treatment!
What People Are Saying...

All I Can Say is WOW!
I have been going to the dermatologist for the past 4 years for treatment of chronic facial rosacea. The chin and area around my nose were particularly sensitive and became red and flaky. I tried numerous over-the-counter facial cleansers and moisturizers designed for sensitive skin and prescription creams. In 2006, I tried laser treatments of the blood vessels to alleviate this condition because nothing seemed to calm my skin. Putting on makeup was an ordeal trying to figure out how to cover the redness. Enter Nuskin 180! I was skeptical about trying the 180 system due to cost, but started using it combined with the Galvanic spa treatment system in July 2007. Two months later, all I can say is WOW! My skin has calmed down – no redness or flaky skin! The texture is smooth and even; a relative commented that it looks as fresh as a baby’s! Moisturizer absorbs immediately! The cost is well worth it to maintain youthful looking healthy skin.
Betsy LessansMarietta, Georgia

People Ask If I Have Lost Weig
I have been using the Galvanic Spa regularlyfor several weeks and noticed that the sagging skin at the jawline was diminishing. One day, I was at a networking event and a man whom I hadn't seen in a couple of weeks asked me If I had lost weight. He specifically noted a change in my face. The only thing I had done was use the Galvanic Spa!
Kathy CallahanLouisville, Kentucky

Visible Results in 10 minutes<>

Hal i himmelen

Oj, nu var det lange sedan sist! Har vart lite lat och inte prioriterat livet framfor datorn.. Har far ni alla fall se en underlig bild av himmelen som jag tog for nagra veckor sedan.