
Tuesday, March 31, 2009


C:s karaste pappa, som skickar inspelade program fran Sverige hit, varje vecka, tackar vi for uppdatering, har precis sett "Bonde soker fru", hela sasongen, och gratit floder och skrattat lika mycket. Det var riktigt bra faktiskt! Vilka underbara bilder man fatt med pa varat Svenska landskap, standigt fint vader, haha!

Kul att se, verklighetsbaserat, med en genuin kansla. Sag varan spanska version, som var aningen annorlunda, med spanska "Señoritos", bonder, med utvalda damer, som inte hade mycket alls gemenskap med de sina. Kandes lite fanigt och valdigt pahittat, men visst fick vi manga goda skratt at de omaka paren.

Vart ute pa maratonpromenad, fint vader idag ocksa, skont att rora pa pakarna, och inte ta bilen jamt, man blir lite lat nar man bor langt fran stan.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Balsam for sjalen..

Ridtur i paradiset med basta tjejerna. Dofterna fran en var i hogform ar fortrollande, vyerna en frojd for ogat.
Att sedan komma hem och avnjuta hembakta kanelbullar, who needs more?¿


En sak jag maste lara mej..talamod, patience, paciéncia, patience..Inte alltid sa roligt, men nodvandigt. Universum satter oss i dessa situationer for lardom, trodde man kunde tillrackligt vid 34, men icke..

Sa, keep calm and carry on..

Foton fran Sverige

"I believe in Angels, something good in everything I see, I believe in Angels, now I know the time is right for me.
If you see the wonders, of the fairytale, you can take the future, even if you fail."

fran Abba

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Verkar som om min kara van A, med familj ska komma ner i juni, da jag dessutom far mitt "nya" hus! Ska bli sa roligt att ha dem har, sa manga pa en gang, och sa spannande for lilla J! Ser verkligen fram emot att bo for mej sjalv, kanns som man vuxit ifran aldern da man kan bo med vanner, ett tag gar det bra men sen, man behover sin space.

Kanns sa himla gott att vakna upp tidigt, halla upp lite juice eller nagot annat starkande, och kora igang med yogan, som jag nu gor nastan varje morgon. Det ar som en slags meditation, man borjar dagen med "clean mind" och att stretcha ut musklerna riktigt. Har blivit som en drog som jag maste ha sa ofta jag kanner att jag orkar, for jobbigt ar det, jag lovar..

Annu en harlig, varm dag, aven om det blaser pa toppen dar vi bor, men nere pa stranden kan det vara vindstilla. Idag blir det traff med A, en liten promenad och sedan jobb pa eftermiddan.

Till min kara A, ha en fin dag i stugan, njut och ta hand om dej!
Mamma, var tog du vagen¿

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tillbakablick fran sommaren

Har ar ett par harliga bilder fran i somras, nar min bror Fredrik och hans karaste Christina var pa besok hos mej. Hoppas att det kommer besok hit ner snart, jag saknar er alla redan!

Forsta sommaren jag bodde har hade jag kosystem for de som ville hit, men nu far man dra dem hit.. Konstigt, haha!

Njut dagen, fanga den innan den ar over!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Speaks for itself..

A new day

Inspired as I feel, after my morning- yoga and breakfast, I will now take a walk down to town to do some "have to"- stuff, bank and so on.
It is cloudy and not so warm today, but I feel warm and good inside.

Most important is to do what you can to feel good, that is only your responsibility.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Monday

For once Im going to write in English, so a few more can understand. Woke up early today, at 7, to go with C to the doctor, always nicer with company for those things. It all went well and it´s wonderful to feel her being happy and inspired, keep it up!!

It is nice to wake up early, the sun is out already at that time, and it feels like bonus-time to go up a few hours earlier, rather than sleeping in. I think in general we tend to sleep to much if we can. I do love it though, it´s like going to a different world.

The weather is beautiful, C is coming up and we are going to go for a nice marathon walk on the beach.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Lugnt med jobb idag, har min ryska senare pa hotellet. Hon kommer varje lordag tva timmar, for ansiktsbehandling och massage, inte daligt att kunna unna sej det en gang i veckan, det ar mitt mal nar jag lugnar ner mej lite.

Fargade bryn och fransar pa C, samt formade upp brynen, sa harligt nar man far nagon att bli riktigt nojd och kanna skillnaden. Hon var sa glad och star nog fortfarande framfor spegeln hemma, haha.

Det ar molnigt och kallt, som omvaxling till gardagen med stralande sol och 25 grader. Naval, vi skulle nog behova lite regn ocksa.

Traffat A och vi har diskuterat en drom som vi har, att starta nagot ihop. Kommer upp som samtalsamne da och da, men idag kande vi oss riktigt motiverade, sa det kanske borjar dra sej mot att bli verklighet snart.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Today, no matter what I´m doing, no matter who´m I´m interacting with, my dominant intent is to look for things that I like.
Most important is feeling good, and to look for the best feeling I can find in the moment.
Look around for good-feeling things, and they will be more and more natural to you.


Betyder oftast borjan pa veckan for mej..Alltsa att mitt jobb kommer igang som mest nar det ar helg och alla ar lediga. Har uppdaterat mej med omvarlden via email, och last A.s blogg. Blir alltid lika glad och inspirerad nar jag laser den, och kan oftast sla igang nan bifogad youtube-video att lyssna pa medans jag laser.

Ska ta en promenad nerat stan, det underbara vadret fortsatter och det ar synd att sitta inne, aven fast man "borde" gora det och det, you know. Men nu lagger jag bordena at sidan och gar.

Ha en alldeles underbar dag och helg!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Underbar var med Sia

Nar aker vi?¿

Mountains is simply breathtaking and there is no better way to see them than sitting on the back of a horse. Our trail rides span over 4,000 acres where you can choose to ride on Canyon Ranch or at the Rafter Y Ranch. Our experienced and charming cowboy wrangler Putter Goodwin leads rides at either ranch giving you the opportunity to see the Big Horns from a variety of perspectives.
Putter Goodwin’s family owns the Rafter Y Ranch and it has been operating as a working guest ranch for four generations. The Wallop’s are also operating Canyon Ranch as a 4th generation working ranch so these two families have spent over a century of being good neighbors to one another. With the long history and love of this country that both families have you can be assured that you will see all of the favorite mountain spots that only a Wyoming native can show you.
Whether you are an aspiring cowgirl or cowboy or travel with your own boots and spurs you can be assured that we will help to create memories that will last a lifetime. Putter says, the horses are “all colors, sizes, and speeds” and we’ll find just the right one to match your abilities and experience.
Rides are scheduled by the hour, morning, afternoon, or day. The day long ride includes a delicious lunch. All rides include many opportunities for incredible photography so make sure to remember your camera.

Vilken hast-semester

Let our horses take you on the journey of a lifetime, a journey toward greater self awareness and personal growth. The horse provides assistance as an energetic mirror so you may identify patterns of learned behavior that either enhance or detract from the quality of life that you want to live.
You will discover that two culprits stand between merely surviving life versus experiencing the “joy of living.” You were not born with these two deterrents, known as fear and self-doubt. These behaviors are learned and can be unlearned. You will be given the opportunity, in a safe and supportive group setting, to work through what is hindering your progress toward the way of living that you have always wanted.
Miraval’s Equine Experience Intensive with Wyatt Webb, Miraval’s Director ofEquine Programs, is a four-day program where you’ll get six hours of very focused personalized attention. “This is an environment where each person will have the opportunity to correct negative perceptions and move into the presence of how capable they are and can continue to be through using the awareness gained in this program,” says Wyatt. “The support of your fellow group members presents you with the gift that you are not alone.” Your inherent value as a human being will be revealed so as to deeply deplete the self criticism you have lived with far too long.”
The Equine Intensive begins on Sunday night with a two hour introductory group and is followed by three days devoted to the equivalent of twenty hours of intense group therapy. You will spend three hours each morning with horses at our stables and three hours each afternoon in group process in a meeting room at the resort. The Equine Intensive is perfect for groups, individuals or couples wishing to address either general or more specific relationship issues. Wyatt’s intention is safety and support for each individual and for the group as a whole.
Wyatt Webb is the bestselling author of It’s Not About the Horse, It’s AboutOvercoming Fear and Self Doubt: Journey Into Present Moment Time, and What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do: Common Horse Sense.
The New 40, 50, 60...By: Shari Mycek

People come from all over the globe to hear Dr. Andrew Weil, director of integrative health and healing at Miraval resort, speak on longevity. In case you can't make it to his three-day Healthy Aging seminar just yet, we've outlined his five key strategies for living well longer below.
Adjust Your Attitude "Growing old should increase, not decrease, the value of human life," Weil says. "Just as with bourbon, time has the potential to smooth out roughness, add agreeable qualities, and improve character. If we change our attitude about aging, the way we age will change."
Maintain Connections Weil encourages people to stay socially and intellectually connected. "Make a list of people in your life in whose company you feel more alive, happy, and optimistic, and make an effort to spend more time with them," he suggests. Weil explains that any activity that makes you feel more alive, more connected to others and to nature, less isolated, and more comfortable with change is beneficial, helping you enhance your physical and mental health and accept the fact of aging.
Keep Healthy and Active Regularly moving the body with activities that raise the heart rate is central to healthy aging, according to Weil, who personally stays fit by swimming, biking, or walking daily. Of course, he also advocates the obvious: Watch your weight, have annual checkups, and don't smoke.
Honor Your Spirit Weil is big on mindful breathing. "Simply minding the breath is a way of expanding consciousness beyond the ego," he says. Yoga is also on his list. "I couldn't be more pleased to see yoga becoming so mainstream in our part of the world; I think it will increase the numbers of happy and healthy people here," he says. Equally important is reaching out and giving time and energy to help others. "Our spiritual selves resonate with others, and that connection is healing," Weil explains.
Eat Well Last, but certainly not least, for Weil is eating well. In his personal life, he follows a modified Mediterranean anti-inflammatory diet and adds a few of his other favorite longevity-boosting foods and condiments. For example, he regularly consumes turmeric — which is being studied for its possible role in preventing Alzheimer's. "I add a teaspoon to soups, stews, and bean dishes," Weil says. He also indulges in dark chocolate (at least 70 percent cacao) for its antioxidants and polyphenols.


Simple Stress ReliefBy: Felicia Marie Tomasko, R.N. • Photographs By: David Martinez • Produced By: Victor Maze and Veronica Sooley
Life sometimes comes at you so fast that even stopping to take a deep breath seems like an impossibility. When this happens on a long-term basis, the body goes into stress mode—a state of high alert. In the short term, stress is meant to kick-start you into action. (Just think about the effect of a car swerving in front of you on the highway—react quickly, and your life is saved.) But the body isn't meant to be in this state 24/7. Studies show that chronic stress inhibits your capacity to heal and increases the likelihood of developing physical and emotional problems, such as high blood pressure, ulcers, immune dysfunction, and depression.
To break the cycle, it helps to train your thought processes and body reactions to slow down. Practicing a style of mind-body exercise known as "restorative yoga" is one simple and effective way to do this. Restorative yoga helps repair health with gentle positions that alleviate the stress and fatigue we accumulate during daily life.
The following poses, meant to be performed as a sequence, are designed to relieve pent-up muscular tension and stimulate the immune and lymphatic systems. Use the poses to build your own practice based on the time you have available. Remain in each pose for one to two minutes while breathing deeply, and always end in Savasana, the classic yogic posture of deep relaxation in which you are lying down but still awake. (In fact, just this one posture done three times a week can do wonders.) Taking time to experience the rest and calm that come from the healing practice of restorative yoga will help reduce your stress levels, improving your overall health and well-being.

1 Namaste: Greeting Your Breath
Begin with your feet firmly planted and arms by your sides. As you inhale, sweep your arms up and out to the sides (palms facing the ceiling) until the palms meet overhead (shown left). Exhale with the hands still touching and slide them down in front of your face, stopping at your heart (shown left, inset). Repeat this three to five times, linking breath and movement. Maintain your attention on your breath.

2 Half Wall Hang
With your hands shoulder-width apart, place your palms against a wall or door. Start to walk your feet away from the wall and slide your hands down until your hands and shoulders are at about the height of your hips. Keeping knees slightly bent, press your hands gently into the wall and lean your body away from it (shown right) to stretch the muscles that run along the back, where many people tend to hold tension. Allow your head to drop slightly, and take several deep breaths. With each exhale, focus on relaxing the area around your jaw, as the muscles there are some of the strongest in your body and tend to clamp down when you're under stress. When you are ready to come out of the pose, walk back toward the wall slowly to prevent any light-headedness.
Note: This pose can be practiced whenever you need a break—at home, work, or even in an airport—and is very helpful in relieving lower back tension, especially for pregnant women.

3 Shoulder Stretch On The Wall
Stand so one side of your body is facing the wall with a space between the wall and your body of about three-quarters the length of your arm. Reach the arm closest to the wall behind you and place your palm on the wall. Keeping the hand in place, gently rotate your body away from the wall (shown left), stretching the shoulder area. Breathe fully and deeply for several breaths. Feel this pose releasing tightness around the shoulder, upper back, neck, and upper chest. Come out of the pose by inhaling and stretching the fingertips up to the ceiling, then letting your arm swing front to back at your side. Turn so the other side of your body faces the wall and repeat.

4 Child's Pose
Begin on your hands and knees with the knees wider than the hips, and then sit back onto your heels. Stretch your arms out in front alongside your ears (shown right) or drape them, palms up, back toward your feet by the sides of your legs. If you feel any discomfort in your knees, place some padding beneath them and/or between your heels and buttocks. You can also rest your upper body and forehead on stacked blankets or pillows if lowering to the floor feels uncomfortable. To stimulate the lymphatic system, reach your arms forward and then inch both hands over to one side, exaggerating the stretch down the opposite side of the body. Breathe deeply and feel the breath stretch the muscles around the rib cage. Take several deep breaths and then walk your hands to the other side. When you are ready, walk your hands toward your knees and return to a seated position.
Note: This pose of deep rest stretches the muscles along either side of the spine.

5 Sleeping Pigeon
Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the floor, about hip-width apart. Lift your right foot and place your right ankle on your left knee (shown left). Keep your foot flexed to protect the knee joint, and feel the length of your spine drop down to the earth beneath you. To increase the stretch, clasp your hands around your legs and draw them toward the chest. Breathe deeply. Return your feet to the floor, unwind your legs, and switch sides.
Note: This pose stretches the muscles in the hips and lower back.

6 Sleeping Pigeon Twist
Begin in "sleeping pigeon," (shown above). Keeping your legs in this configuration, roll them to your left so the sole of your right foot touches the floor while keeping your back against the floor (shown right). Press the sole of the right foot to the floor to stretch the outer hip and thigh of your right leg. Allow your shoulders to become heavy to release tension throughout the length of the spine. To transition out of this pose, engage your abdominal muscles to bring your legs back to center. Unwind your legs and repeat on the other side, with the left ankle on right knee and sole of left foot on the floor.

7 Legs Up The Wall
This is a mild inversion (a pose in which your body is turned upside down, reversing the effects of gravity). To begin, sit next to a wall with your knees bent, soles of feet on the floor, and right hip and side against the wall. Place your hands behind you, palms on the floor. Rotate your body while leaning back and sliding legs up the wall. Scoot your bottom close to the wall and rest the back of your legs on its surface (shown left). Breathe deeply. You can place an eye pillow over your eyes to deepen the relaxation by encouraging your attention inward. When you're ready, slide your legs back down to the side and, supporting yourself with your hands, roll back up to a seated position.

8 Savasana
Savasana, the pose of relaxation, is the traditional completion of a yoga practice. Simply lying down while still awake quiets the nervous system and encourages a deeply restful state that facilitates health and well-being. Lie peacefully on your back for as long as you wish, maintaining your attention on your breath (shown right). You can place a folded blanket under your knees and lower back if this feels more comfortable.
Note: Savasana provides a beneficial moment to observe the after-effects of any other poses you've done first and to imprint the experience on the body and mind.
Looking to immerse yourself in the healing power of yoga—and make a vacation out of it? Click here to check out some rejuvenating yoga retreats.
Ready to delve deeper into restorative yoga? Click here to check out some books and DVDs we love.
Visualizing ProsperityBy: Shakti GawainCreative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in your life. There is nothing at all new, strange, or unusual about it; you are already using creative visualization every day, and in fact every minute—although you are likely doing it unconsciously. It is your natural power of imagination, the basic creative energy of the universe, which you use constantly to shape your day-to-day world for good or bad.
To use creative visualization to attract prosperity it is not necessary to believe in any metaphysical or spiritual ideas, though you must be willing to entertain certain concepts as being possible. It is not necessary to "have faith" in any power outside yourself. The only things necessary are that you have an open-enough mind to try something new in a positive spirit and the desire to enrich your knowledge and experience.
A very important part of conscious creative visualization is developing a sense of prosperity. This means having the understanding that the universe is abundant, that life is actually trying to bring us what our hearts and souls desire—spiritually, mentally, and emotionally as well as physically. Almost everything you truly need or want is here for the asking; you only need to believe that it is so, desire it, and be willing to accept it.
One of the most common causes of failure in achieving what you want is "scarcity programming." This is an attitude or set of beliefs about life that goes something like this: There isn't enough to go around ... Life is suffering ... It is immoral or selfish to have enough when others don't ... Life is hard, difficult, a vale of tears ... It's more noble and spiritual to be poor. These are all false beliefs. They are based on a lack of understanding of how the universe works or of some important spiritual principles. These beliefs are not of service to you or anyone else, they simply limit you from realizing your natural state of prosperity and plenty on all levels.
The truth about this earth is that it is an infinitely good, beautiful, nourishing place to be. The only "evil" comes from a lack of understanding of this truth. Evil (ignorance) is like a shadow—it has no real substance of its own; it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, by stamping on it, by railing against it, or by any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it. Take a look at your belief system and see if you are holding yourself back by not believing sufficiently in the possibility of prosperity. Can you realistically imagine yourself as a successful, satisfied, fulfilled person? Can you really open your eyes to the goodness and beauty and abundance all around you? Can you imagine this world transformed into a prosperous and supportive environment in which everyone can flourish?
You will experience difficulty in creating what you want in your personal life unless you view the world as a good place to be and a place that works for everyone. Human nature is basically loving, and so most of us will not allow ourselves what we want as long as we believe that we might be depriving others in order to have it. We need to understand in a deep way that having what we truly want in life contributes to the general state of human happiness and supports others in creating more happiness for themselves. To create prosperity, we need to visualize ourselves living as we desire to live, doing what we love, and feeling satisfied with what we attain in a context of other people doing the same.
Four Basic Steps for Effective Creative Visualization
1. Set your goal Decide on something you would like to have, work toward, realize, or create. It can be on any level—a job, a house, a relationship, increased prosperity, a happier state of mind, improved health, solving a problem in your family or community, etc. At first, choose goals that are fairly easy for you to believe in, that you feel are possible to realize in the near future. That way you won't have to deal with too much negative resistance in yourself, and you can maximize your feelings of success as you are learning creative visualization. Later, when you have more practice, you can take on more difficult or challenging problems and issues.
2. Create a clear idea or picture Form an idea, a mental picture, or a feeling of the object or situation exactly as you want it. You should think of it in the present tense as already existing the way you want it to be. Imagine yourself currently in the situation as you desire it. Include as many details as you can. You may wish to make an actual physical picture of it as well. This is an optional step, not at all necessary, but often helpful and fun.
3. Focus on it often Bring your idea or mental picture to mind often, both in quiet meditation periods and also casually throughout the day, when you happen to think of it. In this way it becomes an integral part of your life and thus more of a reality for you. Focus on it clearly, yet in a light, relaxed way. It's important not to feel like you are striving too hard for it or putting an excessive amount of energy into it—both tend to hinder rather than help.
4. Give it positive energy As you focus on your goal, think about it in a positive, encouraging way. Make strong, encouraging statements to yourself: that it exists; that it has come or is now coming to you. See yourself receiving or achieving it. These positive statements are called "affirmations." While you use affirm-ations, try to temporarily suspend any doubt or disbelief you may have, at least for the moment, and practice getting the feeling that what you desire is very real and possible.
Continue to work with this process until you achieve your goal or no longer have the desire to do so. Remember that goals often change before they are realized, which is a perfectly natural part of the human process of change and growth. So don't try to prolong it any longer than you have energy for it—if you lose interest it may mean that it's time for a new look at what you want.
If you find that a goal has changed for you, be sure to acknowledge that to yourself. Get clear in your mind the fact that you are no longer focusing on your previous goal. End the cycle of the old and begin the cycle of the new. This helps you avoid getting confused, or feeling that you've "failed" when you've simply changed.
When you achieve a goal, be sure to acknowledge consciously to yourself that it has been completed. Often we achieve things that we have been visualizing and forget to even notice that we have succeeded! Give yourself some appreciation and a pat on the back, and be sure to thank the universe for fulfilling your requests.

Kolla in, massa mysiga grejer, plus att de aven har och saljer dressyrhastar och gor web- och reklam design. Harligt stalle!


Vadret haller pa att andras har, det blaser och ar kallt, man har nog blitt lite bortskamd pa sistone..Har lite pyssel att gora hemma, sant kul ni vet, sen ska jag aka och bli vaxad, jatteskont! Har sparat lange nu, sa det blir extra smartsamt..

Onskar er alla en harlig dag! Vi hors snart!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Forsta utstallningen..

Smulan var med pa sin forsta utstallning i helgen, 2:a kom hon den lille rackaren.
Har sitter hon brevid morsan Loppan, en van veteran i sammanhanget.

Fanga en du kan.

Underbara fjarilar, dess skonhet, latthet och fargskalor. Haromdagen sag jag en, den forsta i ar, sa mysigt att bara lata blicken vila pa den, sa lange de sitter still forstas...
Mysigt ar det val ocksa nar man kanner fjarilar i magen, den harliga, spannande kanslan, forvantan om att nagot nytt och spannande ska intraffa, eller kanslan av att vara kar...kommer vi val alla ihag hur det kanns.

Hur haftigt ar inte det har¿?

Hemsnickrade sanggavlar med invavd historia, wow!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday evening..

Jag och C gick som vanligt (om jag inte jobbar sondagar) till Tvillingarnas, ett svenskt café som har allt fran rakmackor till kanelbullar, sant som man garna saknar..mums! Det har vart ca 24 grader varmt, sa det var packat pa strandpromenaden, kandes skont att fa lite harlig varsol i ansiktet. En harlig promenad i uppforsbacke fick vi till, sa det passar fint att sjunka ner i soffan med en god film just nu. Ha en trevlig kvall!

My dream destination

One of the most beautiful places in the world, the dream of the dreams for every Spa-goer.. One day I will get a full week there.

Foton fran vinterland

Vackra bilder fran ett frostigt Lulea, Rodberget, en harlig vardag.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

En harlig lordagsmorgon!

Vaknar upp till fagelsang och stralande sol - dagar man verkligen forstar varfor man valjer att bo just har! Har borjat att stiga upp relativt tidigt, kl 8, for mej ar det tidigt, och gora en lattare yoga och meditera innan frukost.
Kanns jattebra att borja dagen lugnt och fokusera positivt redan fran borjan, annars blir det latt att man rusar upp och satter igang och tanka pa alla "masten" man har att ta hand om. Kroppen kanns glad och pigg och sa gor aven huvudet, och sa klart nar man tittar ut sa kan man inte annat an att dra pa mungiporna:)
Jag onskar er alla en trevlig dag och helg!!


Friday, March 13, 2009

My Thoughts CreateMy Physical Experience
The idea of “success,” for most people, revolves around money or the acquisition of property or other possessions—but we consider a state of joy as the greatest achievement of success. And while the attainment of money and wonderful possessions certainly can enhance your state of joy, the achievement of a good-feeling physical body is by far the greatest factor for maintaining a continuing state of joy and Well-Being.
Every part of your life is experienced through the perspective of your physical body, and when you feel good, everything you see looks better. Certainly it is possible to maintain a good attitude even when your physical body is diminished in some way, but a good-feeling body is a powerful basis for an ongoing good attitude. And so, it is not surprising that since the way you feel affects your thoughts and attitudes about things, and since your thoughts and attitudes equal your point of attraction, and since your point of attraction equals the way your life continues to play out—there are few things of greater value than the achievement of a good-feeling body.
It is quite interesting to note that not only does a good-feeling body promote positive thoughts, but that, also, positive thoughts promote a good-feeling body. That means you do not have to be in a perfect state of health in order to find feelings of relief that eventually can lead to a wonderful mood or attitude, for if you are able to somehow find that relief even when your body is hurting or sick, you will find physical improvement, because your thoughts create your reality.
Complaining about ComplainingIs Also Complaining
Many complain that it is easy to be optimistic when you are young and in good health, but that it is very difficult when you are older or sicker . . . but we never encourage using your age or a current state of failing health as a limiting thought that disallows improvement or recovery.
Most people have no idea of the power of their own thoughts. They do not realize that as they continue to find things to complain about, they disallow their own physical well-being. Many do not realize that before they were complaining about an aching body or a chronic disease, they were complaining about many other things first. It does not matter if the object of your complaint is about someone you are angry with, someone who has betrayed you, behavior in others that you believe is wrong, or something wrong with your own physical body—complaining is complaining, and it disallows recovery.
So whether you are feeling good and are looking for a way to maintain that good-feeling state of being or if your physical body is diminished in some way and you are looking for recovery, the process is the same: Learn to guide your thoughts in the direction of things that feel good, and discover the power that only comes from vibrational alignment with Source.
As you continue to read this book, things that you have known long before you were born will be remembered, and you will feel a resonance with these Laws and processes that will give you a feeling of empowerment. And then all that is required for the achievement and maintenance of a healthy, good-feeling body is some deliberate attention to thoughts and feelings and a sincere desire to feel good.
I Can Feel Good in My Body
If you are not feeling good or looking the way you want to look, it has a way of reflecting out into all other aspects of your life experience, and it is for that reason that we want to emphasize the value in bringing your physical body into balance and comfort and well-being. There is nothing in the Universe that responds faster to your thoughts than your own physical body, and so aligned thoughts bring a quick response and obvious results.
Your physical well-being is really the easiest of subjects over which you have absolute control—for it is what you are doing about you. However, because you are translating everything in this world through the lens of how your physical body feels, if you do get out of balance, it can negatively affect a much larger part of your life than only your physical body.
You are never more clear about wanting to be healthy and to feel good than when you are sick and feeling bad, and so the experience of being sick is a powerful launching pad for the asking for wellness. So, if, in the moment that your sickness has caused you to ask for wellness you could turn your undivided attention to the idea of being well, it would occur immediately—but for most, now that you are feeling bad, that is what has your attention. Once you are sick, it is logical that you would now notice how you feel, and in doing so, you would prolong the sickness . . . but it was not your attention to the lack of wellness that made you sick. Instead, it was your attention to the lack of many things that you desire.
Chronic attention to unwanted things holds you in a place of disallowing your physical well-being, as well as disallowing the solutions to other subjects you are focused upon. If you could focus your attention upon the idea of experiencing physical well-being with as much passion as you focus upon the absence of it, not only would your recovery come quickly, but maintaining your physical well-being and balance would also be easy.
Words Do Not Teach,but Life Experience Does
Simply hearing words, even when they are perfect words that accurately explain truths, does not bring understanding, but the combination of careful words of explanation, coupled with life experience that is always consistent with the Laws of the Universe, does bring understanding. It is our expectation that as you read this book and live your life, you will achieve a complete understanding of how all things occur in your experience and you will accomplish complete control of all aspects of your own life, especially things that have to do with your own body.
Perhaps your physical condition is exactly as you want it to be. If that is the case, then continue to focus upon your body as it is, feeling appreciation for the aspects that are pleasing you—and you will maintain that condition. But if there are changes that you would like to make, whether it is in appearance or stamina or wellness, then it will be of great value for you to begin telling a different story—not only about your body, but about all subjects that have been troubling to you... As you begin to positively focus, getting to feel so good about so many subjects that you often feel passion rise within you, you will begin to feel the power of the Universe—the power that creates worlds—flowing through you.
You are the only one who creates in your experience—no one else. Everything that comes to you comes by the power of your thought.
When you focus long enough that you feel passion, you harness more power and you achieve greater results. The other thoughts, while they are important and have creative potential, usually are only maintaining what you have already created. And so, many people continue to maintain unwanted physical experiences simply by offering consistent—not powerful, and not accompanied by strong emotion—thoughts. In other words, they merely continue telling the same stories about things that seem unfair, or unwanted things that they disagree with, and in doing so, they maintain unwanted conditions. The simple intention of telling better-feeling stories about all subjects that you focus upon will have a great effect on your physical body. But since words do not teach, it is our suggestion that you try telling a different story for a while and observe for yourself what happens.
The Law of AttractionExpands My Every Thought
The Law of Attraction says that that which is like unto itself, is drawn. In other words, that which you think, in any moment, attracts unto itself other thoughts that are like it. That is why whenever you are thinking about a subject that is not pleasant, more unpleasant thoughts regarding that subject are quickly drawn. You find yourself, in very short order, not only experiencing what you are experiencing in this moment, but reaching into your past for more data that matches that vibration—and now, by the Law of Attraction, as your negative thought expands proportionately, so does your negative emotion.
Soon you find yourself discussing the unpleasant subject with others, and now they add to it, often reaching into their past . . . until, in a very short period of time, most of you, upon any subject that you ponder very long, attract enough supporting data that it does bring forth the essence of the subject of the thought into your experience.
It is natural that by knowing what you do not want, you are able to clarify what you do want; and there is nothing wrong with identifying a problem before beginning to look for a solution. But many people, over time, become problem oriented rather than solution oriented, and in their examination and explanation of the problem, they continue the perpetuation of the problem.
Again, a telling of a different story is of great value: Tell a solution-oriented story instead of a problem-oriented story. If you wait until you are sick before you begin to try to focus more positively, it is much harder than if you begin to tell the story of Well-Being from your place of feeling good . . . but, in any case, your new story will, in time, bring you different results. That which is like unto itself, is drawn—so tell the story you want to live and you will eventually live it.
Some people worry that since they are already sick, they cannot now be well because their sickness now has their attention, and therefore their attention to sickness is perpetuating more sickness. We agree. That would be correct if they only have the ability to focus upon what-is at this time. But since it is possible to think about things other than what is happening right now, it is possible for things to change. However, you cannot focus only upon current problems and get change. You have to focus upon the positive results you are seeking in order to get something different.
The Law of Attraction is responding to your thought, not to your current reality. When you change the thought, your reality must follow suit. If things are going very well for you right now, then focusing upon what is happening now will cause the well-being to continue, but if there are things that are happening now that are not pleasing, you must find a way of taking your attention away from those unwanted things.
You have the ability to focus your thoughts—about yourself, about your body, and about the things that matter to you—in a different direction from only what is happening right now. You have the ability to imagine things that are coming or to remember things that have happened before, and when you do so with the deliberate intent of finding good-feeling things to think and speak about, you can quickly change your patterns of thought, and therefore your vibration, and eventually . . . your life experience.
15 Minutes to MyIntentional Well-Being
It is not easy to imagine a healthy foot when your toe is painfully throbbing, but it is of great value for you to do everything you can do to distract yourself from your throbbing toe. However, a time of acute physical discomfort is not an effective time to try to visualize well-being. The best time to do that is when you are feeling the best you usually feel. In other words, if you usually feel physically better during the first part of the day, choose that time for the visualization of your new story. If you usually feel best after taking a long, warm bath, choose that time for visualization.
Set aside approximately 15 minutes where you can close your eyes and withdraw as much as possible from your awareness of what-is. Try to find a quiet place where you will not be distracted, and imagine yourself in a state of physical thriving. Imagine walking briskly and breathing deeply and enjoying the flavor of the air you are breathing. Imagine walking briskly up a gentle incline, and smile in appreciation of the stamina of your body. See yourself bending and stretching and enjoying the flexibility of your body.
Take your time exploring pleasant scenarios with the sole intent of enjoying your body and appreciating its strength and stamina and flexibility and beauty. When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and therefore, more powerful. When you visualize to overcome something that is wrong, your thoughts are diluted with the lackful side of the equation.
Sometimes people explain that they have long-held desires that have not manifested, and they argue that the Law of Attraction is not working for them—but that is because they have been asking for improvement from a place of keen awareness of the lack of what they desire. It takes time to reorient your thoughts so that they are predominantly focused toward what you want, but in time it will feel perfectly natural to you to do so. In time, your new story will be the one that you tell most easily.
If you do take the time to positively imagine your body, those good-feeling thoughts will become dominant, and then your physical condition must acquiesce to those thoughts. If you only focus upon the conditions as they exist, nothing will change.
As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience. A belief is only a thought you continue to think, and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality.
Nothing stands between you and anything that you desire other than your own patterns of thought. There is no physical body, no matter what the state of decline, no matter what the conditions, that cannot achieve an improved condition. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought.
With a little bit of effort focused in the right direction, you will achieve remarkable results, and in time, you will remember that you can be or do or have anything that you focus upon and achieve vibrational alignment with.
Excerpted from book,“Money, and theLaw of Attraction

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kay Pollack - visa ord pa svenska

Kay Pollak Yrke: Filmregissör, ­författare, föreläsare. Född: 21 maj 1938. Familj: Hustrun Carin sedan 1987 och deras gemensamma barn – 19, 15 och 13 år gamla. 37-årig dotter från ett tidigare äktenskap, två barnbarn och två styvsöner. Filmer: Elvis, Elvis! (1976), Barnens Ö (1980), Älska mig (1986) och Så som i himmelen (2004) som slog svensk films ­biorekord och sågs av 1 471 000 personer i Sverige. Oscars­nominerad som bästa utländska film och har gått 79 veckor i sträck i Sydney, Australien. Böcker: Att växa ­genom möten (1994) som översatts till tio språk, senast kines­iska, och sålt ca 300000 ex i Sverige, samt Att välja glädje (2001).

Det finns ingen synd, hävdar Kay Pollak som genom konfirmation och kyrkgång i Göteborg ”växte upp med synd och skuld och den straffande guden”. I dag tycker han att det budskapet representerar en förvriden syn på det ­ursprungliga.
Han är väl förtrogen med dem, och kallar dem för sina svarta tankar: Jag duger inte. Jag är inte tillräckligt bra. Eller I’m not good enough som han då och då uttrycker det.En dag på kurs i personlig ­utveckling insåg Kay Pollak att detta var den djupaste trossats han hade om sig själv. Men den här gången kändes den som en fruktansvärd lögn som han fått genom skola, uppväxt, kyrka och en oförstående omgivning.–Jag insåg plötsligt att jag var lurad. Att jag inte skulle duga är ju bull shit. När man totalt börjar förstå hur illa man tänkt om sig själv blir det en ren omvändelse; man lättar från marken. Det är som Paulus möte med anden, man blir nyfrälst – ha ha!Ja, han skrattar. Kay Pollak skrattar ofta som en reaktion på det han just har sagt. Eller bara så där, i en paus, för att det tycks bubbla upp ur honom. Det han skrattar åt handlar nästan alltid om honom själv, hur tokigt det kan bli (rädsla och projektioner) när det kunde vara så bra (kärlek och självinsikt). Han har författat två böcker om hur det ”borde” vara, och påpekar – med ett nytt skratt – att han inte på långa vägar lever upp till vad han skrivit. Tvärtom. Med jämna mellanrum läser han om sin egen Att välja glädje – en bok om att få ett bättre liv (Hansson & Pollak 2001) där han mödosamt kokat ner sina budskap till 200 sidor och förenklat dem till korta meningar: All förändring börjar med mig själv. Jag har ansvar för mina tankar och känslor. Och framför allt: Jag duger.När han håller sina tre timmar långa föreläsningar ser han hur publiken hungrar efter precis samma sak som han själv. De ­sitter nästan framåtlutade för att kanske, kanske våga släppa in tanken att man visst är tillräckligt bra, precis så som man är. Att man är good enough. –Jag pratar ju om att också jag har haft dålig självkänsla. Det är skönt för folk att höra att jag, precis som andra, har vuxit upp med den hemska tanken att jag inte duger.
När vi ses har Kay Pollak täckt över blädderblockspapperen på väggarna i sitt arbetsrum i Sundbyberg så vi inte ska förstå något om den nya film som växer fram här. Det är ju inte heller den vi ska prata om, utan om Kay Pollaks föreläsningsbudskap som också var teman i senaste filmen Så som i himmelen: Människans inneboende storhet och att det inte existerar någon synd.Men få av oss har denna självbild. Istället är vi fostrade till att inte tro på oss själva (svarta tankar) vilket gör att vi skyller jobbiga känslomässiga situationer på andra (projektioner). Så här kan det gå till: En händelse ­utlöser vår upprördhet. Ofta börjar vi med att nedvärdera oss själva, ”välja litenhet”, som Kay Pollak formulerar det. Sedan attackerar vi andra för att slippa känna oss så små.–Men man löser inte sina inre problem som till exempel dålig självkänsla genom att skylla på andra – som ju är oskyldiga.Varför vill vi så gärna göra det?–För att vi i vår kultur inte fått lära oss att orsaken till våra känslor finns inom oss själva. Vi lägger skulden på någon annan, men den attacken gör också oss själva illa. Det gör ont att vi har så svårt att älska – och igen skyller man det jobbiga på andra. Men tyvärr, allt handlar om mig, och det är bara jag som kan ta ansvar för mina känslor, mina tankar och mitt liv.Nu hamnar vi rakt in i Kay Pollaks verkliga grundbudskap, och vi har säkert hört det en massa gånger förr: Att lära sig att älska sig själv är det mest fundamentala. Först då kan man också älska andra. Så länge man umgås med svarta tankar om att inte duga ­riskerar man en förfärlig massa problem. Kay Pollak vet.–Det känns ju i hela kroppen om jag älskar mig själv, och det kan jag inte säga att jag alltid gör. Men jag kan det långt mer än förut. Jag är inte lika rädd för andra som förr, då jag upplevde så mycket som attacker, blev ”föraktfull” och drogs in i konflikter.Alltså: Det värsta som kan hända en människa är att inte tycka om sig själv. Och det viktigaste som finns är att skapa människor som tycker om sig själva på alla plan. Att lära sig älska sig själv borde vara ett skolämne, propagerar Kay Pollak, då skulle vi bli ett framgångsrikt folk.–Det är en nationalkatastrof att vi är fostrade till att inte tro på oss själva, för bara genom att tycka om sig själv kan man bli en ansvarstagande människa. Så fort vi värderar oss själva högt undviker vi situationer som är dåliga för oss.Och därmed också det som blir dåligt för andra. Kay Pollak brukar ta ett paradexempel ur sitt eget liv. Han skulle lära sin då femåriga son att åka längdskidor med händerna rätt trädda genom öglan på stavarna. Det tyckte inte femåringen verkade bra och gjorde på sitt sätt. Till slut, när han ramlat om och om igen, skrek pappa Kay: Du kan väl för sjutton göra som jag säger!Sådant har vi blivit utsatta för allihop, menar han. När våra föräldrar blev arga, sa de förmodligen inte att det berodde på dem själva. Utan ”jag känner så här och det är ditt fel”.–Det är en typisk projektion, och det är livsfarligt. Så har vi alltså uppfostrats till att lösa problem, slår Kay Pollak fast. Men när vi påstår att vår upprördhet skulle vara någon annans fel tar vi inte ansvar för våra egna tankar och känslor. Vi gör oss till offer.Han ger ytterligare exempel ur sitt eget liv. Han brukade nästan komma av sig av irritation då folk kom för sent till hans föreläsningar eller tittade på klockan och gäspade under tiden. Det måste vara fel på mig, tänkte Kay Pollak som ”valde litenhet”. Känslan ledde till en attack: De respekterar inte mig.Så småningom lärde han sig att vända på det och tänkte ”det är ju jag som är intolerant. Allt handlar om mig.” Under sina föreläsningar pratar han mycket om att det som rörs upp i oss förmodligen är en hälsning från något smärtsamt tidigare i livet. Om vi är störda, irriterade, förbannade eller upprörda handlar det alltid om oss själva, säger han, inte om ”de andra”.–Tro inte att jag klarar av att leva upp till allt detta själv. Men att förstå den här projektionen är fundamentalt för att ändra sitt sinne. Det är förbannat svårt att leva med, men när man kommer i närheten av en lösning händer kolossala saker.Kay Pollak menar till och med att var och en är ansvarig för om ens liv blir lyckligt eller olyckligt. När han kom på det, satt han på en kurs och kände att tiden stannade: Kan man då inte skylla på någon längre?–Sedan dess har det blivit helt sant för mig att jag är ensam ansvarig för om jag ska bli ett stackars offer eller en skapande kraft i mitt liv. Ingen annan än jag kan lära mig att värdera mig själv ­högre och acceptera mig själv bättre. Det är både urjobbigt och fantastiskt.–Kan du tänka dig detta, undrar han, att tro på möjligheten i dig, känna att du är värdefull? Och att det går att reparera dig som vuxen? Det är då du måste börja från grunden, och det är att sakta öva dig i att tycka om, uppvärdera och älska dig själv. Börja se din egen storhet, säger Kay Pollak.Och vem vågar det? Väldigt få. Under sina föredrag lägger Kay Pollak in övningar där bänkgrannarna ska ­berätta för varandra vad de är bra på. Alltför många kommer sällan på ett enda exempel. En högt uppsatt kommunanställd kvinna sa till slut: Jag är bra på att vika lakan.Han vet själv hur det är att ”välja litenhet”, särskilt i relationen med sin hustru Carin. Att klara ut konflikterna utan att bli förbannad är att vara upplyst, säger han, och tillstår: Jag klarar det inte alltid.–När man träffas i sin ömmaste punkt, som ju lätt kan hända med den man lever tillsammans med, går det jättefort att trilla dit. Då kan jag ibland få tanken att Carin inte älskar mig. Och det gör himla ont. Känns bara helt för djävligt. Jag önskar att jag inte var så beroende av att känna mig älskad av henne.Så hur gör man? Alla längtar ju efter att vara lyckligare och klara sina relationer bättre, det vittnar alla självhjälpsböcker om, noterar Kay Pollak och tipsar: var uppmärksam på din rädsla. Där kanske den gömmer sig, den lögnaktiga trossatsen ”Jag duger inte. Jag är inte tillräckligt bra.”–När jag fick upp ögonen för detta ville jag inte fortsätta att leva med de svarta tankarna att jag inte var okej eller att jag skulle vara en syndig människa. Jag ville stå upp och bejaka det som är stort i mig. Då insåg jag också att ingen annan än jag kan ta ansvar för att ändra mina gamla trossatser. Då får man börja öva – och säga, precis som var och en av oss kan säga till sig själv: Jag är en unik och fantastisk människa.På ett plakat i sitt arbetsrum i Sundbyberg har Kay Pollak med stora bokstäver skrivit vad det handlar om: Att återta makten över sitt liv.

Artikel om Kaj Pollack

Det finns ingen synd, hävdar Kay Pollak som genom konfirmation och kyrkgång i Göteborg ”växte upp med synd och skuld och den straffande guden”. I dag tycker han att det budskapet representerar en förvriden syn på det ­ursprungliga.
Han är väl förtrogen med dem, och kallar dem för sina svarta tankar: Jag duger inte. Jag är inte tillräckligt bra. Eller I’m not good enough som han då och då uttrycker det.En dag på kurs i personlig ­utveckling insåg Kay Pollak att detta var den djupaste trossats han hade om sig själv. Men den här gången kändes den som en fruktansvärd lögn som han fått genom skola, uppväxt, kyrka och en oförstående omgivning.–Jag insåg plötsligt att jag var lurad. Att jag inte skulle duga är ju bull shit. När man totalt börjar förstå hur illa man tänkt om sig själv blir det en ren omvändelse; man lättar från marken. Det är som Paulus möte med anden, man blir nyfrälst – ha ha!Ja, han skrattar. Kay Pollak skrattar ofta som en reaktion på det han just har sagt. Eller bara så där, i en paus, för att det tycks bubbla upp ur honom. Det han skrattar åt handlar nästan alltid om honom själv, hur tokigt det kan bli (rädsla och projektioner) när det kunde vara så bra (kärlek och självinsikt). Han har författat två böcker om hur det ”borde” vara, och påpekar – med ett nytt skratt – att han inte på långa vägar lever upp till vad han skrivit. Tvärtom. Med jämna mellanrum läser han om sin egen Att välja glädje – en bok om att få ett bättre liv (Hansson & Pollak 2001) där han mödosamt kokat ner sina budskap till 200 sidor och förenklat dem till korta meningar: All förändring börjar med mig själv. Jag har ansvar för mina tankar och känslor. Och framför allt: Jag duger.När han håller sina tre timmar långa föreläsningar ser han hur publiken hungrar efter precis samma sak som han själv. De ­sitter nästan framåtlutade för att kanske, kanske våga släppa in tanken att man visst är tillräckligt bra, precis så som man är. Att man är good enough. –Jag pratar ju om att också jag har haft dålig självkänsla. Det är skönt för folk att höra att jag, precis som andra, har vuxit upp med den hemska tanken att jag inte duger.
När vi ses har Kay Pollak täckt över blädderblockspapperen på väggarna i sitt arbetsrum i Sundbyberg så vi inte ska förstå något om den nya film som växer fram här. Det är ju inte heller den vi ska prata om, utan om Kay Pollaks föreläsningsbudskap som också var teman i senaste filmen Så som i himmelen: Människans inneboende storhet och att det inte existerar någon synd.Men få av oss har denna självbild. Istället är vi fostrade till att inte tro på oss själva (svarta tankar) vilket gör att vi skyller jobbiga känslomässiga situationer på andra (projektioner). Så här kan det gå till: En händelse ­utlöser vår upprördhet. Ofta börjar vi med att nedvärdera oss själva, ”välja litenhet”, som Kay Pollak formulerar det. Sedan attackerar vi andra för att slippa känna oss så små.–Men man löser inte sina inre problem som till exempel dålig självkänsla genom att skylla på andra – som ju är oskyldiga.Varför vill vi så gärna göra det?–För att vi i vår kultur inte fått lära oss att orsaken till våra känslor finns inom oss själva. Vi lägger skulden på någon annan, men den attacken gör också oss själva illa. Det gör ont att vi har så svårt att älska – och igen skyller man det jobbiga på andra. Men tyvärr, allt handlar om mig, och det är bara jag som kan ta ansvar för mina känslor, mina tankar och mitt liv.Nu hamnar vi rakt in i Kay Pollaks verkliga grundbudskap, och vi har säkert hört det en massa gånger förr: Att lära sig att älska sig själv är det mest fundamentala. Först då kan man också älska andra. Så länge man umgås med svarta tankar om att inte duga ­riskerar man en förfärlig massa problem. Kay Pollak vet.–Det känns ju i hela kroppen om jag älskar mig själv, och det kan jag inte säga att jag alltid gör. Men jag kan det långt mer än förut. Jag är inte lika rädd för andra som förr, då jag upplevde så mycket som attacker, blev ”föraktfull” och drogs in i konflikter.Alltså: Det värsta som kan hända en människa är att inte tycka om sig själv. Och det viktigaste som finns är att skapa människor som tycker om sig själva på alla plan. Att lära sig älska sig själv borde vara ett skolämne, propagerar Kay Pollak, då skulle vi bli ett framgångsrikt folk.–Det är en nationalkatastrof att vi är fostrade till att inte tro på oss själva, för bara genom att tycka om sig själv kan man bli en ansvarstagande människa. Så fort vi värderar oss själva högt undviker vi situationer som är dåliga för oss.Och därmed också det som blir dåligt för andra. Kay Pollak brukar ta ett paradexempel ur sitt eget liv. Han skulle lära sin då femåriga son att åka längdskidor med händerna rätt trädda genom öglan på stavarna. Det tyckte inte femåringen verkade bra och gjorde på sitt sätt. Till slut, när han ramlat om och om igen, skrek pappa Kay: Du kan väl för sjutton göra som jag säger!Sådant har vi blivit utsatta för allihop, menar han. När våra föräldrar blev arga, sa de förmodligen inte att det berodde på dem själva. Utan ”jag känner så här och det är ditt fel”.–Det är en typisk projektion, och det är livsfarligt. Så har vi alltså uppfostrats till att lösa problem, slår Kay Pollak fast. Men när vi påstår att vår upprördhet skulle vara någon annans fel tar vi inte ansvar för våra egna tankar och känslor. Vi gör oss till offer.Han ger ytterligare exempel ur sitt eget liv. Han brukade nästan komma av sig av irritation då folk kom för sent till hans föreläsningar eller tittade på klockan och gäspade under tiden. Det måste vara fel på mig, tänkte Kay Pollak som ”valde litenhet”. Känslan ledde till en attack: De respekterar inte mig.Så småningom lärde han sig att vända på det och tänkte ”det är ju jag som är intolerant. Allt handlar om mig.” Under sina föreläsningar pratar han mycket om att det som rörs upp i oss förmodligen är en hälsning från något smärtsamt tidigare i livet. Om vi är störda, irriterade, förbannade eller upprörda handlar det alltid om oss själva, säger han, inte om ”de andra”.–Tro inte att jag klarar av att leva upp till allt detta själv. Men att förstå den här projektionen är fundamentalt för att ändra sitt sinne. Det är förbannat svårt att leva med, men när man kommer i närheten av en lösning händer kolossala saker.Kay Pollak menar till och med att var och en är ansvarig för om ens liv blir lyckligt eller olyckligt. När han kom på det, satt han på en kurs och kände att tiden stannade: Kan man då inte skylla på någon längre?–Sedan dess har det blivit helt sant för mig att jag är ensam ansvarig för om jag ska bli ett stackars offer eller en skapande kraft i mitt liv. Ingen annan än jag kan lära mig att värdera mig själv ­högre och acceptera mig själv bättre. Det är både urjobbigt och fantastiskt.–Kan du tänka dig detta, undrar han, att tro på möjligheten i dig, känna att du är värdefull? Och att det går att reparera dig som vuxen? Det är då du måste börja från grunden, och det är att sakta öva dig i att tycka om, uppvärdera och älska dig själv. Börja se din egen storhet, säger Kay Pollak.Och vem vågar det? Väldigt få. Under sina föredrag lägger Kay Pollak in övningar där bänkgrannarna ska ­berätta för varandra vad de är bra på. Alltför många kommer sällan på ett enda exempel. En högt uppsatt kommunanställd kvinna sa till slut: Jag är bra på att vika lakan.Han vet själv hur det är att ”välja litenhet”, särskilt i relationen med sin hustru Carin. Att klara ut konflikterna utan att bli förbannad är att vara upplyst, säger han, och tillstår: Jag klarar det inte alltid.–När man träffas i sin ömmaste punkt, som ju lätt kan hända med den man lever tillsammans med, går det jättefort att trilla dit. Då kan jag ibland få tanken att Carin inte älskar mig. Och det gör himla ont. Känns bara helt för djävligt. Jag önskar att jag inte var så beroende av att känna mig älskad av henne.Så hur gör man? Alla längtar ju efter att vara lyckligare och klara sina relationer bättre, det vittnar alla självhjälpsböcker om, noterar Kay Pollak och tipsar: var uppmärksam på din rädsla. Där kanske den gömmer sig, den lögnaktiga trossatsen ”Jag duger inte. Jag är inte tillräckligt bra.”–När jag fick upp ögonen för detta ville jag inte fortsätta att leva med de svarta tankarna att jag inte var okej eller att jag skulle vara en syndig människa. Jag ville stå upp och bejaka det som är stort i mig. Då insåg jag också att ingen annan än jag kan ta ansvar för att ändra mina gamla trossatser. Då får man börja öva – och säga, precis som var och en av oss kan säga till sig själv: Jag är en unik och fantastisk människa.På ett plakat i sitt arbetsrum i Sundbyberg har Kay Pollak med stora bokstäver skrivit vad det handlar om: Att återta makten över sitt liv.
"You begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss and
they open the doors for you. I say follow your bliss and don't be afraid
and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be."
- Joseph Campbell
Excerpted from the book, “Money, and the Law of Attraction"
Your Story, and the Law of Attraction
Each and every component that makes up your life experience is drawn to you by the powerful Law of Attraction’s response to the thoughts you think and the story you tell about your life. Your money and financial assets; your body’s state of wellness, clarity, flexibility, size, and shape; your work environment, how you are treated, work satisfaction, and rewards—indeed, the very happiness of your life experience in general—is all happening because of the story that you tell. If you will let your dominant intention be to revise and improve the content of the story you tell every day of your life, it is our absolute promise to you that your life will become that everimproving story. For by the powerful Law of Attraction, it must be!
Does Life Sometimes Seem to Be Unfair?
You have wanted more success and you have applied yourself well, doing everything that everyone said you should do, but the success you have been seeking has been slow to come. You tried very hard, especially at first, to learn all the right things, to be in the right places, to do the right things, to say the right things . . . but often things did not appear to be improving much at all.
Earlier in your life, when you were first dipping your toe into the idea of achieving success, you found satisfaction in satisfying the expectations of the others who were laying out the rules for success. The teachers, parents, and mentors who surrounded you seemed confident and convincing as they laid out their rules for success: “Always be on time; always do your best; remember to work hard; always be honest; strive for greatness; go the extra mile; there’s no gain without pain; and, most important, never give up. . . .”
But, over time, your finding satisfaction from gaining the approval of those who laid out those rules waned as their principles of success—no matter how hard you tried—did not yield you the promised results. And it was more disheartening still when you stood back to gain some perspective on the whole picture and realized that their principles were not, for the most part, bringing them real success either. And then, to make matters even worse, you began meeting others (who clearly were not following those rules) who were achieving success apart from the formula that you had been so diligent to learn and apply.
And so you found yourself asking: “What’s going on here? How can those who are working so hard be receiving so little, while those who seem to be working so little are achieving so much? My expensive education hasn’t paid off at all—and yet that multimillionaire dropped out of high school. My father worked hard every day of his life—and yet our family had to borrow the money to pay for his funeral. . . . Why doesn’t my hard work pay off for me the way it was supposed to? Why do so few really get rich, while most of us struggle to barely get by? What am I missing? What do those financially successful people know that I don’t know?”
Is “Doing Your Best” Still Not Enough?
When you are doing everything you can think of, truly trying your best to do what you have been told is supposed to bring you success, and success doesn’t come, it is easy to feel defensive, and eventually even angry at those who are displaying evidence of the success you desire. You even find yourself sometimes condemning their success simply because it is too painful to watch them living the success that continues to elude you. And it is for this reason—in response to this chronic condition in the financial affairs of your culture—that we offer this book.
When you come to the place of openly condemning the financial success that you crave, not only can that financial success never come to you, but you are also forfeiting your God-given rights to your health and happiness as well.
Many actually come to the incorrect conclusion that others in their physical environment have banded together in some sort of conspiracy to keep them from succeeding. For they believe, with all of their heart, that they have done everything possible to achieve success, and the fact that it has not come must surely mean that there are some unfriendly forces at work that are depriving them of what they desire. But we want to assure you that nothing like that is at the heart of the absence of what you desire or of the presence of things you would like to remove from your experience. No one ever has or ever could have prevented your success—or provided it. Your success is all up to you. It is all in your control. And we are writing this book so that now, finally, once and for all time, your success can be in your deliberate and conscious control.
Money Is Not the Root of Evil or of Happiness
This important subject of money and financial success is not the “root of all evil” as many have quoted—nor is it the path to happiness. However, because the subject of money touches most of you in one way or another hundreds or even thousands of times in every day, it is a large factor in your vibrational makeup and in your personal point of attraction. So when you are able to successfully control something that affects most of you all day, every day, you will have accomplished something rather significant. In other words, because such a high percentage of your thoughts in any given day reside around the topic of money or financial success, as soon as you are able to deliberately guide your thoughts, not only is it certain that your financial success must improve, but the evidence of that success will then prepare you for deliberate improvement in every aspect of your life experience.
If you are a student of Deliberate Creation, if you want to consciously create your own reality, if you desire control of your own life experience, if you want to fulfill your reason for being, then your understanding of these prevalent topics—money and the Law of Attraction—will serve you enormously well.
I Am the Attractor of My Every Experience
You are meant to live an expansive, exhilarating, good-feeling experience. It was your plan when you made the decision to become focused in your physical body in this time-space reality. You expected this physical life to be exciting and rewarding. In other words, you knew that the variety and contrast would stimulate you to expanded desires, and you also knew that any and all of those desires could be fully and easily realized by you. You knew, also, that there would be no end to the expansion of new desires.
You came into your body full of excitement about the possibilities that this life experience would inspire, and that desire that you held in the beginning was not muted at all by trepidation or doubt, for you knew your power and you knew that this life experience and all of its contrast would be the fertile ground for wonderful expansion. Most of all, you knew that you were coming into this life experience with a Guidance System to help you remain true to your original intent as well as to your neverending amended intentions that would be born out of this very life experience. In short, you felt an eagerness for this time-space reality that nearly defies physical description.
You were not a beginner—even though you were newly beginning in your wee, small physical body—but instead you were a powerful creative genius, newly focusing in a new, Leading Edge environment. You knew that there would be a time of adjustment while redefining a new platform from which you would begin your process of deliberate creating, and you were not the least bit worried about that time of adjustment. In fact, you rather enjoyed the nest into which you were born and those who were there to greet you into your new physical environment. And while you could not yet speak the language of their words—and although you were perceived by those who greeted you as new and unknowing and in need of their guidance—you possessed a stability and a knowing that most of them had long left behind. You were born knowing that you are a powerful Being, that you are good, that you are the creator of your experience, and that the Law of Attraction is the basis of all creation here in your new environment. You remembered then that the Law of Attraction (the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn) is the basis of the Universe, and you knew it would serve you well. And so it has.
You were still remembering then that you are the creator of your own experience. But even more important, you remembered that you do it through your thought, not your action. You were not uncomfortable being a small infant who offered no action or words, for you remembered the Well-Being of the Universe; you remembered your intentions in coming forth into your physical body, and you knew that there would be plenty of time for acclimating to the language and ways of your new environment; and, most of all, you knew that even though you would not be able to translate your vast knowledge from your Non-Physical environment directly into physical words and descriptions, it would not matter, for the most important things to set you on a path of joyful creation were already emphatically in place: You knew that the Law of Attraction was consistently present and that your Guidance System was immediately active. And, most of all, you knew that by trial, and what some may call “error,” you would eventually become completely and consciously reoriented in your new environment.
I Knew of the Consistency of the Law of Attraction
The fact that the Law of Attraction remains constant and stable throughout the Universe was a big factor in your confidence as you came into your new physical environment, for you knew that the feedback of life would help you to remember and gain your footing. You remembered that the basis of everything is vibration and that the Law of Attraction responds to those vibrations and, in essence, organizes them, bringing things of like vibrations together while holding those not of like vibrations apart.
And so, you were not concerned about not being able to articulate that knowledge right away or to explain it to those around you who had seemingly forgotten everything they knew about it, because you knew that the consistency of this powerful Law would, soon enough, show itself to you through the examples of your own life. You knew then that it would not be difficult to figure out what kinds of vibrations you were offering because the Law of Attraction would be bringing to you constant evidence of whatever your vibration was.
In other words, when you feel overwhelmed, circumstances and people who could help you get out from under your feeling of overwhelment cannot find you, nor can you find them. Even when you try hard to find them, you cannot. And those people who do come do not help you, but, instead, they add to your feeling of overwhelment.
When you feel mistreated— fairness cannot find you. Your perception of your mistreatment, and the subsequent vibration that you offer because of your perception, prevents anything that you would consider to be fair from coming to you.
When you are buried in the disappointment or fear of not having the financial resources that you believe you need, the dollars—or the opportunities that would bring the dollars—continue to elude you . . . not because you are bad or unworthy, but because the Law of Attraction matches things that are like, not things that are unlike.
When you feel poor—only things that feel like poverty can come to you. When you feel prosperous—only things that feel like prosperity can come to you. This Law is consistent; and if you will pay attention, it will teach you, through life experience, how it works. When you remember that you get the essence of what you think about—and then you notice what you are getting— you have the keys for Deliberate Creation.
What Do We Mean by Vibration?
When we speak of vibration, we are actually calling your attention to the basis of your experience, for everything is actually vibrationally based. We could use the word Energy interchangeably, and there are many other synonyms in your vocabulary that accurately apply.
Most understand the vibrational characteristics of sound. Sometimes when the deep, rich bass notes of your musical instrumentation are played loudly, you can even feel the vibrational nature of sound.
We want you to understand that whenever you “hear” something, you are interpreting vibration into the sound you are hearing. What you hear is your interpretation of vibration; what you hear is your unique interpretation of vibration. Each of your physical senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching exist because everything in the Universe is vibrating and your physical senses are reading the vibrations and giving you sensory perception of the vibrations.
So as you come to understand that you live in a pulsating, vibrating Universe of advanced harmonics, and that at the very core of your being you are vibrating at what could only be described as perfection in vibrational balance and harmony, then you begin to understand vibration in the way we are projecting it.
Everything that exists, in your air, in your dirt, in your water, and in your bodies, is vibration in motion—and all of it is managed by the powerful Law of Attraction.
You could not sort it out if you wanted to. And there is no need for you to sort it out, because the Law of Attraction is doing the sorting, continually bringing things of like vibrations together while things of different vibrational natures are being repelled.
Your emotions, which really are the most powerful and important of your six physical vibrational interpreters, give you constant feedback about the harmonics of your current thoughts (vibrations) as they compare with the harmonics of your core vibrational state.
The Non-Physical world is vibration.
The physical world that you know is vibration.
There is nothing that exists outside of this vibrational nature.
There is nothing that is not managed by the Law of Attraction.
Your understanding of vibration will help you to consciously bridge both worlds.
You do not have to understand your complex optic nerve or your primary visual cortex in order to see. You do not have to understand electricity to be able to turn on the light, and you do not have to understand vibrations in order to feel the difference between harmony or discord.
As you learn to accept your vibrational nature, and begin to consciously utilize your emotional vibrational indicators, you will gain conscious control of your personal creations and of the outcomes of your life experience.
Excerpted from book, “Money, and the Law of Attraction

The life I live is created by the story I tell

I will praise success wherever I see it

I intend to consciously create my own reality

I'm creating the essence of what I'm thinking

Law of Attraction is managing my every intention
"Words do not teach. True knowing comes from life experience. We offer these words, that they might stimulate your thinking. Truly, a teacher is a stimulator of thought." - Abraham
JOY is the point.
Abraham speaks to the heart.
They teach that life is supposed to be fun. They say that is what you intended before you got here.
They teach that you can be, do, or have anything you want.
They say YOU create your own reality and the universe is simply reflecting back to you the essence of how you're feeling about it!
Joseph Campbell said, "Follow your bliss." Abraham shows you where you left your compass.
Your compass? Your emotions.
They are your guide.
And, as such, no one—no institution, "movement," family or friends—not even Abraham—is better qualified to direct you. Your emotions are your very own GPS (Global Positioning System), a rock-steady, unfailing and unerring "personal navigational device" to get you where you want to go.
"All is well. You did not come here to fix a broken world. The world is not broken. You came here to live a wonderful life. And if you can learn to relax a little and let it all in, you will begin to see the universe present you with all that you have asked for." - Abraham
Folks, once you get the hang of this—the world's your oyster.

The point of power is right here and right
now in our own minds. It does not matter
how long we have had negative patterns,
an illness, unhealthy relationship, a lack of
finances, or poor self image: we can begin
to make changes today. The thoughts we
have held and the words we have
repeatedly used have created our life and
experiences up to this point. That is past
thinking; we have already done that. What
we are choosing to think and say today,
this moment will create tomorrow and the
next day and the next week and the next
month and the next year. The point of
power is always in the present moment.
This is where we begin to make changes. The smallest beginning will
make a difference.
When you were a little baby, you were pure joy and love. You
knew how important you were; you felt you were the center of the
universe. You had such courage, you asked for what you wanted, and
you expressed all your feelings openly. You loved yourself totally,
every part of your body. You knew you were perfect. and that is the
truth of your being. All the rest is learned nonsense and can be
How often have you said,”That’s the way I am,” or “That’s the
way it is “? What we are really saying is that it is what we “believe to
be true for us.” Usually what we believe is only someone else’s opinion
we have accepted and incorporated into our own belief system. It fits
in with other things we believe. If we were taught as children that the
world is a frightening place, then everything you hear that fits in with
that belief, you will accept as true, “Don’t trust strangers.” “Don’t go
out at night,” “People cheat you,” etc. On the other hand, if we were
taught early in life that the world is a safe and joyous place, then we
would believe other things :”Love is everywhere,” “People are so
friendly,” “ Money comes to me easily,” and so on. Life experiences
definitely mirrors our beliefs.
We seldom sit down and question our beliefs. For instance, I
could ask myself, “Why do I believe it is difficult for me to learn? Is it
true for me now? Where did that belief come from? Do I still believe it
because a first grade teacher told me so over and over? Would I be
better off if I released that belief?
Stop for a moment and catch your thought. What are you
thinking about right now? If thoughts shape your life and experiences,
would you want this thought to become true for you? If it is a thought
of worry or anger or hurt or revenge, how do you think this thought
will come back to you? If we want a joyous life, we must think joyous
thoughts. Whatever we send out mentally or verbally will come back to
us in like form.
Take a little time to listen to the words you say. If you hear
yourself saying something three times, write it down. It has become a
pattern for you. At the end of a week, look at the list you have made,
and you will see how your words fit your experiences. Be willing to
change your words and thoughts and watch your life change. The way
to control your life is to control your choice of words and thoughts. No
one thinks in your mind but you.
Brought to you by: Holistic Healing Hand Inc
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